RightLine® SULFENCOREsm Broadens Weed Control in Bermudagrass Turf

Malden, Missouri - February 01, 2022

Malden, MO, February 1, 2022 – RightLine LLC has launched a first of its kind Sulfentrazone + Metribuzin proprietary combination product with RightLine SULFENCORE herbicide. By combining Sulfentrazone with the powerful herbicide Metribuzin, the new unique herbicide expands the list of weeds controlled beyond straight Sulfentrazone products. While Sulfentrazone alone controls many sedges and kyllinga, the addition of Metribuzin expands label claims to include goosegrass and a total of more than 70 other weeds.

SULFENCORE is labeled for use on bermudagrass turf only and can be applied to golf course fairways and roughs, athletic fields, as well as residential, commercial, and institutional lawn areas. For added convenience and efficiency, RightLine SULFENCORE is packaged in a 12 lb. bottle which will treat 9.6 acres at the rate of 20 oz per acre.

“RightLine SULFENCORE herbicide delivers a new level of goosegrass control and value to professionals who manage bermudagrass turf,” RightLine Chief Executive Officer Tim Zech said. “This is the first proprietary product for RightLine, and it’s simply a game changer for turf managers.”

Information regarding RightLine LLC, RightLine SULFENCORE and supporting materials may be found on the company website www.rightlineusa.com


RightLine® is a Registered Trademark of RightLine LLC. SULFENCOREsm is a sales mark of RightLine LLC
Always read and follow the EPA label use directions

Tim Zech
(770) 335 3015.
[email protected]

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Tim Zech

Marketing, Branding and Selling Crop Protection and Specialty Turf and Ornamental Products for 21+ years.

Branded and Marketed over 34 products to the Agricultural and Specialty Turf Markets.

Currently marketing the following products and technologies; Azoxystrobin, Pyraclostrobin, Propiconazole, Tebuconazole, and combination Fungicides. Sulfentrazone, Mesotrione, Ethofumesate, Glufosinate Herbicides, Imidacloprid Insecticide and Proprietary soluble turf nutrients…

Motto: “High rates and short intervals”