GROOM® PGR container


Groom® PGR is a microemulsion concentrate for managing turf growth, improving quality and stress tolerance, and edging of warm and cool-season turfgrasses.

RightLine®GROOM® PGR: a liquid microemulsion containing Trinexapac-ethyl, a gibberellic acid inhibitor. Vertical shoot growth is suppressed while lateral and below ground growth of rhizomes, stolons, tillers and roots is stimulated. GROOM® PGR may be used on the following turf areas: residential and commercial lawns, golf courses, sod farms, sports fields, cemeteries, and other similar areas that are well maintained.

  • Absorbed by foliar uptake and is rainfast after one hour.
  • Use in conjunction with RightLine PROHEX 27.5 WDG (Prohexadione)
  • Provides up to 50% suppression of turf growth.
  • Full growth regulation begins at about 3 – 5 days after application.
  • When used with marking paint Groom PGR can extend the duration of marking visibility.
  • Use to minimize the need for edging turfgrass along sidewalks, driveways, flower beds, and trees.
  • Packaged in convenient 2.5 gal containers.
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