front view of Rightline Herbicide EXPLAIN


Sharda EXPLAIN is for Post-Emergence Annual and Perennial Grass Control in Turfgrass including Sod Farms, Commercial and Residential Turf, and Ornamentals

Explain herbicide is a water emulsion formulation for post-emergence control of annual grass weeds and suppression of some perennial grass weeds in established turfgrass and ornamental species. Explain does not control broadleaf weeds or sedges. Explain is absorbed through the foliage. Thorough coverage is important. Visual injury on the grass weed is evident approximately 4 – 10 days after application (dependent upon environmental conditions) but control of the grass weeds will take 12 – 21 days. Visible effects begin as a chlorosis (yellowing) and/or reddening of the leaf surface followed by death of the weed.

  • Low use rates
  • Systemic activity, rapidly absorbed through the foliage
  • Can be used on most cool season turf species
  • Visual response generally occurs in 4 days with control in 12-21 days
  • Water-based formulation simplifies handling
  • Suppresses Common Bermudagrass and Johnsongrass
  • Provides great control of Japanese Stiltgrass
  • Labeled for use in many ornamentals
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