Rightline CREEDENT™ 75 WDG


CREEDENT™ 75 WDG is a herbicide for selective control of listed annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in Non-crop, Highly Maintained Turf, Ornamental, and Native Grass Use Sites.

CREEDENT™ 75 WDG is a selective systemic post-emergent sulfonylurea herbicide for the control of various listed annual and perennial sedges, grasses, and broad leaf weeds in non-crop areas, highly maintained turf, native grasses, sod farms and ornamental nurseries. Sulfosulfuron exhibits systemic post-emergence herbicidal activity on a broad spectrum of annual and perennial sedges, grasses, and broadleaf weeds, but does not injure many warm season grasses. Sulfonylurea herbicides disrupt amino acid biosynthesis in susceptible plants by binding to the Aceto Lactate synthase (ALS) enzyme.

  • Controls sedges, grasses, and broadleaf weeds including Kyllinga, and Purple Nutsedge
  • Use on a wide range of warm-season turfgrass species
  • Offers flexibility to control difficult weeds in newly seeded turf, native grasses, and established ornamentals
  • Weed growth stops within 24 hours
  • Ideal choice for spring transition to Bermudagrass turf from overseeded Ryegrass
  • Keeps warm-season turf free of undesirable cool-season turfgrass such as tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, Poa annua, and Poa trivialis
  • Tank mix with MSMA for Dallisgrass suppression
  • May be applied as an over-the-top application to certain ornamental and groundcover species
  • Packaged in 1.25 oz and 12.5 oz containers
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